Crisis of Conscience, Not Constitution
Andrew Putnam addresses the matter of the dissolution of Second Presbytery at the ARP's 2024 General Synod.
God-Centered Ministry
James Ritchey writes on the minister's calling to God, and how he ought to live it out.
Vindicating the Honor of Christ
Brad Anderson addresses the issue of the minister's role for standing up for Christ in this world.
Dealing with a Common Exception: WCF 21.8 and the Recreation Clause
Ben Glaser speaks on the exception typically taken regarding the sabbath clause of the Westminster Confession.
The Value of Confessional Commitments
James Ritchey writes on the value of confessional commitments and how they can ease the lives of those who hold to them.
A Spiritual Inventory for Helping Others
Pastor Ben Glaser speaks on the tools and example which Christ gives His people for calling sinners to a greater hope.
Keep It Simple
Jonathan Williams writes on the necessity for simplicity regarding our approach to understanding the Trinity.
Sing to the Lord!
Rebecca Harkins writes on the necessity for singing for soul formation at the heart of the household.