The Numbers Game
Tim Phillips walks us through the statistics of modern day evangelicalism and what impact they should have on the way we think about ministry.
The Movement of Hymns
James McManus seeks to cultivate the beauty of hymnody for today’s modern ARP context.
Rejoicing in the Destruction of God’s Enemies
Mark James speaks on rejoicing at the destruction of God’s enemies.
Itinerants in Opposition: Asahel Nettleton v Charles Finney
Brad Anderson writes on the fiery debate between two 19th century promoters of revivals: Charles Finney and Asahel Nettleton.
Prejudiced Truth? A Look at the Ninth Commandment
Reverend Benjamin Glasser examines the implications of the Ninth Commandment for everyday living.
What Does the ARP Confess About the Civil Government?
Reverend Benjamin Glaser notes the ARP’s stance on the civil government in relation to the PCA.
Youth and Church
Jonathan Williams addresses the separation between local churches and their youth.
(WCF 4) Creation: “Man”-ifesting God’s Glory
James Hakim notes Church’s culturally peculiar perspective of creation and the reality of being human in our day.